You made up your mind to date a girl online. You found a reliable app or site and created a profile. Then you thoroughly filled in the details about yourself and your lifestyle. Your profile was creative and stood out from the others. And you even chose several potential girlfriends. My friend, at this point you are only halfway there. And what should you do next? This article outlines the topic of how to start a conversation online dating with examples.
Your further success in online dating depends on the way you communicate with the ladies. How often should you compliment them? How to greet her without banality and cliches? Is it a good idea to use emojis and if yes, then how often to text them in messages? If you get these and other questions in your head, read the article below. Guys, we’ve prepared some dating message tips which you can immediately use in your online communication with girls. Check them out!
Dating message tips from the experts
1. Start your conversation with a greeting.
What do you usually do when you meet a strange person for the first time somewhere at a party or in a cafe? You most likely greet each other and introduce yourself. We don’t reveal anything new, but men for some reason forget about this simple step.
Do you want to know how to start a conversation in online dating? Just do the same thing you do in real life — greet your partner and tell your name. But instead of overused phrases like “Hello, how are you?” or just “Hi”, you may use the following examples:
- What’s cookin’, good lookin’? I’m Tom.
- Howdy, miss. I’m Tom, nice to meet you here.
- How you doin’? I’m Tom. Haven’t seen you here before.
2. Comment on their profile.
We can compare commenting on a profile with the traditional compliments in real life. For example, we compliment a girl who looks stunning in a new dress or with beautiful makeup, or just with a nice face and appealing body. Making the same online is a little more complicated.
We don’t see our partner at the moment unless you make a video call. However, you may always comment on her posts in the profile. This will show your engagement and genuine interest in things she writes in her posts. By the way, when you don’t know how to chat in online dating, you may always refer to some of your comments and start a conversation. So here are the examples of comments you may write:
- Do you also like cooking? I signed up for the same online cooking course. See you there.
- I see that you like morning runs. It’s great. I run about 3 miles every morning.
- Do you know Elizabeth and Peter? Then I wonder why we haven’t met with you before.
3. Ask a question.
This technique really works. By asking questions you increase chances to get a response from your potential girlfriend. Questions help us to keep a conversation and get to know each other. Of course, your dialogue shouldn’t look like a job interview or examination. Our advice is to ask soft or even funny questions about lifestyle, hobbies and interests, family, and so on. Information from her profile may help you. So how to respond to online dating messages: examples
- I see that you’re interested in SMM. What books or courses may you recommend for a newbie like me?
- Wow, you were lucky enough to be one of the first visitors to a new shopping mall. What does it feel like? Did you like it?
4. Show interest.
Whether you write an email or a simple text message, you should always be sincere and honest about your feelings to your opponent. If you’re already on a dating site, what is the reason to be indifferent? Show genuine interest in the personality who you’re dating and be sure that you’ll be surprised with her response. It’s also a useful recommendation for those who don’t know what to say about online dating — first message examples are below:
- I’d like to know more about you.
- I see that you’ve traveled around many countries. So do I. I think we can be a great couple of travelers.
5. Offer to go out on a date.
Dating online shouldn’t remain only on the Web. If we’re talking about normal relationships, sooner or later you should meet your potential girlfriend in real life. So if you feel that you both are ready for a face-to-face meeting, you shouldn’t procrastinate. Make the first step and offer a girl to go on a date. Women like confident men, so prepare a plan and make an offer.
- Would you like to have coffee together tomorrow after work?
- What about dinner on Friday night?
- Let’s go for a walk on the nearest weekend.
People who know how to communicate properly online and how to reply to online dating messages don’t have any problems with dating. After reading the article you’re also among these people. So follow the tips and you’ll definitely meet your significant other somewhere on the Internet.